Субота, 27.07.2024, 13:08 | RSS | Вітаю Вас Гість
Головна | Cost of publication | Реєстрація | Вхід
Вісник Маріупольського державного університету
Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія
Bulletin of Mariupol State University
Головна | Cost of publication
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    The cost of one author's page of the article (A4 sheet) is 65.00 UAH.

    Payment is made to the account UA 578201720313251001201008203
    Bank: DKSU Kyiv
    ZKPO(TIN): 26593428

    Important! Payment for the provision of the publication service is made only after the editor's notice of the acceptance of the article to be printed. When transferring funds, it is necessary to specify “For the scientific journal Bulletin of MSU. Volume: “Bulletin of MSU. Volume: “Philosophy, culture, sociology”

    The scanned receipt for the payment of the cost of publication of a scientific article is sent to the following e-mail: [email protected]

    Please, send the originals clearly printed and signed by the author in two copies and a copy of the payment receipt to the address:

    Oriekhova Svetlana,
    History Department,
    Department of Cultural Studies and Information Activities
    Mariupol State University,
    129 a, Budivelnykiv Ave
    Mariupol, 87500,
    Donetsk region, Ukraine.
    Contact phone: +38 095 858 07 78
    e-mail: [email protected]

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