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Вісник Маріупольського державного університету
Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія
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    Marakhovska Nataliia
    Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія. – 2022. – Вип.23. – С. 1-139

    Marakhovska Nataliia
    Candidate of Sciences (PhD, Education), associate professor of Italian Philology Department, Mariupol State University, graduate student in the Cultural Studies Programme, Kyiv
    Mariupol State University, Kyiv.

    The role of ukrainian contemporary sacred music for constructing transformative competencies of students from war-affected areas

    DOI 10.34079/2226-2849-2022-12-23-75-85

    [ download pdf ]

    С. 75-85

    The present study aims to explore the educational potential of Ukrainian contemporary sacred music which has its unique development trajectory in the Ukrainian culture. Being incorporated into academic curriculum Ukrainian contemporary sacred music is an essential component of the transformative learning. The phased implementation of the transformative learning process within the STAR Framework (Sensitising, Taking Action, and Reflection) designed by M. Mcallister, has been carried out for Humanities Majors of Mariupol State University. The results of qualitative research show positive effect of such integration on constructing transformative competencies (creating new value, reconciling tensions and dilemmas, taking responsibility) of students with war-related experience.

    Ключові слова: Ukrainian contemporary sacred music, transformative competencies, HEI students

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    ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1-2006
    Marakhovska N. The role of ukrainian contemporary sacred music for constructing transformative competencies of students from war-affected areas / N. Marakhovska // Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Сер.: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія. – 2022. – Вип. 23. – С. 75-85.

    Harvard Referencing Style
    Marakhovska, N., 2022. The role of ukrainian contemporary sacred music for constructing transformative competencies of students from war-affected areas. Vìsnik Marìupolʹsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu. Serìâ: Fìlosofìa, kulturologìa, socìologìa, 23, pp. 75-85.

    Категорія: Випуск 23 | Додав: Marina (26.05.2022)
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